Japan Chapter


Chapter Chairman: Hironori Washizaki, Waseda University
Chapter website: http://www.semat.jp/

SEMAT Japan Chapter has a balanced committee consisting of academia and industry practitioners, from web-service development to safety critical embedded software world.

Future Work
SEMAT kernel, by basing on a simple and neutral platform, will encourage sound and constructive discussions and actions for better software development methods and theory behind practices crosscutting through different contexts.

Japan has one million software engineers in the industry (a quarter of which is in embedded system development), and it is expected the chapter will contribute to the SEMAT community by publishing its idea in Japan, nurture the local community, gather industry data, and explore methods, practices and theory behind them in order to improve how we work to make better software and to make engineers' life more energized to boost business innovation via software.

Kenji Hiranabe (ChangeVision, Inc.)
Fuyuki Ishikawa (National Institute of Informatics)
Yasunobu Kawaguchi
Nobuhide Kobayashi (DENSO CREATE INC.)
Shin Kuboaki (Afrel Co.,Ltd.)
Shuji Morisaki (Shizuoka University)
Kazuyoshi Takahashi
Kentaro Yoshimura (Hitachi, Ltd.)