SEMAT Has Taken a Major Step Towards a Standard

24 Mar 2013

This week, Essence — the Kernel and the Language for Software Engineering Methods was endorsed by a large majority of the Analysis and Design Task Force  (ADTF) of OMG. The Architecture Board later went the same path and further endorsed it. While the votes this week completed the major technical review of the Essence specification, the OMG process continues with membership voting before the submission is finally and formally adopted as a standard. Rest assured we will get there.

SEMAT is celebrating what we described as our first major milestone in our long-term plan. Now we start working on many different tracks. We have a solid base that can directly be used to run any style software project including Scrum and Kanban. We can start describing practices on top of this kernel and develop a practice library. We can develop tools to help teams achieve measurable progress and results in their work.

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