A new paper on the kernel published in CACM

06 Feb 2013

Many of you may not yet have gotten a clear picture of what the kernel is and what it can do for you.  The book "The Essence of Software Engineering – Applying the SEMAT Kernel" is of course the recommended reading.  It is now available at amazon.com.  However, to get a quick introduction, the following article is a good start.


"The Essence of Software Engineering: The SEMAT Kernel", by Ivar Jacobson, Pan-Wei Ng, Paul E. McMahon, Ian Spence, Svante Lidman.

An excerpt from the introduction:

Everyone who develops software knows that it is a complex and risky business, and its participants are always on the lookout for new ideas that will lead to better software. Fortunately, software engineering is still a young and growing profession that sees innovations and improvements in best practices every year. Just look, for example, at the improvements and benefits that lean and agile thinking have brought to software-development teams.

Successful software-development teams need to strike a balance between quickly delivering working software systems, satisfying their stakeholders, addressing their risks, and improving their ways of working. For that, they need an effective thinking framework that bridges the gap between their current ways of working and any new ideas they want to adopt. This article presents such a thinking framework in the form of an actionable kernel, which could benefit any team wishing to balance their risks and improve their way of working.

The whole article can be found here (ACM Queue Magazine, Volume 10 Issue 19, October 24, 2012), where you also can comment on it.

This article is Popular and Editor Picked. It has about 10,500 downloads so far.

The whole article can be found here.

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