
Paintball Safety Tips - Gear, Speed, and Sportsmanship

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[font=sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS"]Paintball safety is an important consideration to anyone involved in the sport. According to statistics comparing serious injuries sustained across a number of sports, paintball is one of the safest sports you can play. This is probably a surprise to most people. As there is no direct contact between players, you are 19 times less likely to be injured playing paintball than American Football, for example. Another reason for the encouraging paintball safety statistics is that there is an important emphasis on wearing the right safety gear.[font=sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS"]The number of injuries may well be low in comparison with other sports, but they can be severe. It is not much fun to be struck on any unprotected part of the body by a paintball traveling at 300 feet per second. We must always keep in mind the paintball safety precautions that we need to take to ensure an injury free session. Paintball Advisors Paintball Equipment Guides Blog is a website that specializes in providing paintball equipment guides. Give you the best gear and equipment for your paintball game

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[font=sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS"]1. Wear the Right Gear[font=sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS"]You must always wear your goggles or mask; you need to protect your eyes and ears from paintball damage.It is sensible to invest in a mask customized with ear flaps, and visor to give protection from sunlight. Ideally, the mask should cover the whole head to avoid being struck on any sensitive area.[font=sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS"]Padded paintball suits give extra built in protection to vulnerable areas such as the neck and chest. It's a good idea to invest in extra protective equipment like boxes and collars to increase your paintball safety.[font=sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS"]2. Watch Your Speed[font=sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS"]The regulated paintball speed to be observed by all players is 300 feet per second in outdoor play. All protective gear is tested up to this limit. Any ball striking the skin above this speed will greatly increase the chance of serious injury. Chronographs are worth the investment if you are playing in private fields. In indoor play, 200 feet per second is adequate for paintball safety. Paintball Advisors carry everything from combat suits to safety goggles and more paintball gear. The mission of Paintball Advisors is to provide an online resource for all things paintball-related, including reviews, tutorials, guides and more.[font=sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS"]3. Show Sportsmanship and Courtesy[font=sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS"]Blind firing is when you shoot randomly without seeing a target. This is dangerous as you can't see what you're firing at so you risk shooting someone at point blank. Have an awareness of where you're shooting before you fire.[font=sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS"]You should be cautious when it comes to overshooting, although there are no rules against it. It is unnecessary to fire 10-20 consecutive shots at a person after you've already made a successful hit. If the rules don't call for you to overshoot to win, avoid it as a courtesy to other players.

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[font=sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS"]You can offer your opponent a chance to surrender if he is within 10-15 feet away by shouting, "Surrender." He can walk away with his arms raised or refuse to surrender, in which case you can shoot him. It shows sportsmanship to allow your opponent the chance to walk away and improves their safety.[font=sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS"]Paintball safety is of paramount importance to enjoying the sport. The majority of injuries happen in private fields where there is often a lower level of investment in paintball safety equipment. To avoid serious injury, you would be wise to play in regulated paintball centers and observe the pointers above.