
Even a Small Power Outage Is Enough To Completely Disrupt Your Business

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Even a Small Power Outage Is Enough To Completely Disrupt Your Business
technology diesel generator
14/04/21 9:47

Electricity supply is what keeps that world going, or the human species at the very least. All this industrial expansion that we’ve been relishing in the past century is all because of the scientific and technological innovations, and that is extension has been made possible due to the phenomenon of “uninterrupted power supply”. We don’t need a refreshers course to remind ourselves of the fact that all these electronic appliances that provide us with comfort and higher productivity are completely reliant on grid supply, without which, even the best machines shall be rendered useless and be akin to a rotten piece of scrap metal.

As a business owner, the safety and serenity of your staff naturally has to be amongst your topmost priorities, which is why during a power outage, it becomes a major necessity to retain a powerful, reliable backup source around. And if an entrepreneur can’t be bothered to provide the workforce with these amenities and is simply interested in the profit column, even then backup diesel generators are a major necessity as in this day and age, where power blackouts are a common theme, not caring to install them can be detrimental to the end of the year figures your company could have otherwise accumulated.
In the year 2021, where financial security for businesses is non-existent, it is even more crucial to have maximum productivity and that’s where mitigating the impact of power outages can prove to be a masterstroke. However, the sad truth is that when a company or a household is met with small, seemingly inconsequential power cuts, they just shrug it off like a rudimentary affair, when in some cases, small, frequent outages can have far worse of an impact on your electronic applainces, business operation, household chores, entertainment activities, and in general, everything that provides you with a sense of relief. How? Let’s look at just some of the ways a minute power cut can prove to be a major hassle for you, both in industrial as well as residential capacity:-

1. Vandalize Sensitive Appliances:
One of the most obvious ramifications of power loss is that today most of the devices that we use are powered by electricity from the machinery to the computers that are used in every sector of society. Frequent losses in power can damage your sensitive equipment causing short-term as well as long-term damages to it. It is one of the leading causes of equipment damage today, surges in power, as well as loss in power, sometimes causes irreversible damage that causes a huge impact on the books of organizations causing huge monetary losses that are difficult to sustain. 
2. Emergency Healthcare facilities:
This is where lives are on the line; literally, patients are on life support systems that need to be operated full time in order to save lives. Short power outages might lead to critical situations that can endanger lives and potentially lead to the death of patients. All the emergency equipment depends on electricity from oxygen supply to an AED. These are vital for saving lives and cannot be expected to go down even for seconds. That is why hospitals have backup generators to keep all these systems up and running at all times. 
3 . Loss Of Crucial Data:
As discussed in the point earlier, the sudden loss in power may cause loss of files and documents that may be of great significance. One of the major reasons for data loss today is short power outages, in fact, it is the main reason why most individuals or companies lose data or have their files corrupted is due to unexpected shutting down of their computers.
4. Disassembling & Loss Of Internet Connection:
We are all aware that the world is moving towards a digitalized way of living; more and more businesses are depending on the internet. Loss in power means that these online stores go out of business as their servers go offline, this results in a huge loss in revenues as going out of place even for a single minute potentially makes dents that takes time to recover. In addition to the financial loss in business, there is also a very high chance of losing data as well as reputation. It drops the goodwill of your business, leading to losing potential customers as well as revenue. 
5. Complete Loss Of Production For Many Industries: Depending on the industry that one is he/she may get to face different consequences of short power outages. For instances, for someone who is in the stock market a power outage of a couple of minutes may cause a loss of thousands of dollars if there is a delay in the channel or if he/she is unable to get real-time updates of stocks. Whereas, for someone in the IT sector loss of power means complete darkness. The IT sector is operated on electricity completely power outages for seconds may cause damage that may be difficult to climb out.
6. Can Lead To Accidents & Other Safety-Related Mishaps:
Apart from all these, electricity outages may disrupt communication as well as basic necessities like light, transportation and water to many. In sectors like mining where electricity is needed to channel constant air supply as well as keep the mines lit for operations a loss in power even for a couple of minutes may be fatal. Electricity is something we depend on, and there is no alternative as yet. One has to be prepared for such situations as there is only one time that you get to avert a mishap and save lives. 
7. It Leads T Business Downtime:
When you are running a business short power outages means a decrease in the productivity of your employees. Short power outages are very distracting; business downtime means getting distracted and interruption in the flow of work. Catching up to the flow consumes up precious time, and when you multiply this downtime by the number of people that are working, it sums up to a significant amount.
Also, when computers shut down abruptly, there is a very high risk of losing all the work that you have not saved, this may result in employees losing files and documents that might be of high importance. There is no need to tell that nobody fancies working on the same thing twice, so you can be sure that the work being put in for a repetitive task will be done with much less enthusiasm. 

RE: Even a Small Power Outage Is Enough To Completely Disrupt Your Business
18/08/21 12:43 en respuesta a MyBusiness Story.
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RE: Even a Small Power Outage Is Enough To Completely Disrupt Your Business
1/09/21 14:17 en respuesta a MyBusiness Story.
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