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What I Plan to Give and Receive From the World

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 My gifts, unlike those of people who learn to love and be compassionate, are natural, and I was born this way. As a result, the gifts I bring to the world are love, care, and compassion. To be happy, I hope to receive trustworthy friends, a good family, and contentment in return.  In terms of love, I inherited a loving heart from my mother, who had a genuine and caring attitude toward everyone around her. Her inspiring behavior reinforced what was already inside of me, as I learned that love is a tying factor that binds families, friends, and society together. As a result, someone must be willing to demonstrate to others that it is only through love that we can live peacefully and happily. Compassion must be present for love to be a binding factor. People should be kind to others because being mean results in a lack of love. I am willing to give others unconditional love and teach them how to respect and appreciate one another because I am compassionate and full of love. I also want to be a caring person who shows kindness to everyone.  Along with love and compassion, I value peace. I've disliked fighting with others since I was a child. Furthermore, I have an inner peace that is difficult to distort or take away from me. I understand that this quality must originate within us and then shine forth to others. Because I want others to be able to experience my peace, I will strive to maintain this quality in my interactions with others. I will also teach others about the benefits of establishing world peace.  By doing all of these things, I hope to gain trustworthy friends, a good family, and happiness. My friends and family will feel compelled to share their love and compassion with me after witnessing my caring and loving attitude. A combination of these factors will eventually lead to happiness in my life.  order right now  Finally, in a world that lacks peace, love, and compassion, someone must be willing to give these things away for free. Because everything done in good faith is rewarded, a person who gives these things best essay writing service reddit 2021 is likely to receive much from the world. As a result of spreading peace, love, and compassion throughout the world, I am hopeful that I will be rewarded with trustworthy friends, a loving family, and a sense of fulfillment in life.      How International Students Interact with US Professors in Class          A classroom, by definition, is a gathering place for students to study the same subject. A teacher assumes leadership essay writing service reddit responsibility for leading debates and involving students in the learning of a taught subject, as well as controlling the environment. In today's classroom environment in the United States, the role of the professor has been reversed. Students are allowed to take on leadership roles in leading and creating discussions. Just as students' and teachers' responsibilities have grown in the classroom over time, so have the relationships between international students studying in the United States and their professors. As we have heard and read, student-teacher relationships were quite formal and unfriendly many years ago, with the professor's judgment recognized. This difference occurs because everyone has a unique personality and background. As a result, articulating how a professor should relate to and communicate with a foreign student in the United States or vice versa is difficult. However, the student-teacher relationship should be professional while not being so authoritative that students are afraid to approach it. The student-teacher relationship should be formal, but it should also be inviting. The modern teacher-student relationship is certainly not disapproving, and it allows the teacher to take the time to understand the student (Jeffrey, 20).  In the United States, the student-teacher relationship has been formal but well-intentioned. Being formal means being polite and adhering to the school or college's stated rules. This excludes authoritarian behavior and strict fashions that were once used as a model of education. Nowadays, there is a mutual understanding of what is expected of students and teachers in order to successfully complete the course. Ms. Gillman, a mathematics teacher who once taught the class, was an excellent role model for the professor. She established guidelines for her students to follow, and she encouraged them to share those guidelines with others. She was also ready to understand those who were willing to put in the time to figure out what she really needed, whether it was for term papers or projects. As a result, these are the types of professors who have an impact on students; who continue to speak about them even after they have graduated and years have passed (Jeffrey, 20).  order right now  Social Networking's Negative Effects on Human Relationships and Communication    According to research, social networking has several advantages in human interaction and communication. However, it is clear that excessive use of social media can be harmful (Wolak, Mitchell & Finkelhor, 23).  Internet Use and Instant Messaging Have Negative Effects  It involves users visiting random or targeted websites on the Internet for non-communicative purposes, and it has the potential to be addictive (Giffords, 29). Individuals who seek gratification by going online frequently visit social networking sites. They learn, watch photos and videos, and do other things. However, the level of satisfaction is restricted. As a result, they must continue to visit these sites (Selfout et al., 29). Excessive interaction on social networks can lead to social anxiety and depression (Giffords, 29). As a result, people who are overly obsessed with social networking face a decline in their physical interactions and communication with others. Furthermore, excessive use of social networks inhibits exploration of a person's actual environment and has an impact on the development of friendships (Selfout et al., 29). Instant messaging (IM) is the practice of sending real-time computer messages, and according to research, approximately 75% of teenagers use IM for frequent communication (Hinduja & Patchin, 28). Although it provides opportunities for people to practice and develop social skills, studies have shown that teenagers who use it for six months are more likely to develop depression (Antheunis, Valkenburg & Peter, 27).  order right now  Reduced Social Involvement  Although the online community can be viewed as a society, most people who use social networking reduce communication and interactions with those around them, such as family (Marsh et al., 2010). Burleson (23) discovered that the majority of people who use social networks frequently do not have a lot of physical or social interaction. Such people do not attend social gatherings, and when they do, they are glued to the screens of their mobile phones. Furthermore, social networks are the primary channel through which cyber bullies operate. Bullying was traditionally done through face-to-face confrontations. However, this has changed as people are bullied by posting comments or videos on social media (Hinduja & Patchin, 28). Cyber abuse has a negative impact on victims, causing depression, embarrassment, remorse, and withdrawal from society (Mishna et al., 29). As a result, social networking may interfere with human relationships and communication.  According to the existing literature, social networking has both positive and negative effects on human relationships and communication. However, there is a gap in the literature and research. Because social networking is based on technology and takes place on specific devices without face-to-face interaction, assessing interactive behavior and indicators to aid communication may be difficult. It increases the likelihood that such relationships will become unpredictable and volatile. Because social networking is a part of human relationships and communication, it would be useful to examine how it affects conflict resolution. Furthermore, the available literature on the impact of social networking is not exhaustive, as massive changes have occurred in this dynamic technological medium. The majority of working-age adults grew up in the social network era. As a result, the impact of social media on such individuals may differ from that of those who began using social media as adults. It is critical to conduct additional research to fill these gaps for this cause.          By Creating an Internet Archive  10 minutes  This paper investigates the effects of SMS texting on children, teenagers, and young people using Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory of human development. Bronfenbrenner's theory is used to investigate the impact of various levels of the environment on a person's development. The ecological framework recognizes both the individual's role and the dynamic and changing context in which the individual functions. The theory enables the researcher to assess how the person and the environment (various systems) influence each other. The evidence shows that SMS-based interaction and activities in a person's immediate surroundings have a positive impact on the development of children, adolescents, and young adults.  Many children, adolescents, and young people text on a daily basis using Short Message Service (SMS). Having a cell phone means that the person carrying it is constantly connected to a network of friends, relatives, customers, advertising companies, and anyone else who obtains the cell phone number. On a daily basis, one can see the undeniable effects of SMS texting on people's lives. Texting appears to have an impact on children's, teens', and young people's social lives, behavior, mental development, attention, and memory. Various viewpoints fuel debates about whether texting is beneficial or harmful to the intelligence, academic skills, relationships, values, and performance of various tasks of the underage population (Ling, 28; Rice, 2011). Campbell (25) emphasizes the need for additional research and an appropriate framework to determine whether the impact of SMS is positive or negative, as different perspectives exist in this regard. Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory provides a framework for investigating the role of multiple levels of the environment in human development. Ecological theory recognizes both the individual's role and the dynamic and changing context in which the individual functions (Bronfenbrenner, 1994). Examining the impact of SMS texting through the lens of Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory reveals that SMS-based interaction and activities on a microsystem level of a person's immediate surroundings positively impact the development of children, teenagers, and young people by improving literacy skills, enhancing socialization, and strengthening social bonds.  Children, adolescents, and young people are increasingly using mobile phones. A cell phone is now a must-have item for nearly every child in developed countries. Parents, teachers, caregivers, and the media express their concerns about children having mobile phones at an early school and even preschool age, as well as the effects of mobile phone use on a child's health and development. These concerns are related to specific areas of development such as educational development, socialization, social skills, and social bonds.  Texting and Identity, as well as Socialization  Andrew Yau-Hau Tse (2012) conducted a study on the impact of SMS texting on university students and discovered that students who preferred text messaging to direct communication exhibited distinct behavioral and personality differences. The "texters" appeared to be more inward-looking than the "talkers." Nonetheless, students who texted expressed that they were able to communicate their feelings that they were hesitant to express verbally through texting. Additionally, students admitted to using texting to develop existing and new relationships. Although texters have a smaller social network, their circle of friends and acquaintances is usually more long-lasting and consistent. Furthermore, those who text to communicate about private and personal matters see SMS as a "comparatively safe environment for creating and sustaining relationships" (Yau-Hau Tse, 2012, p. 109). Another advantage of text messaging is that it allows a phone owner to stay in touch with friends even when talking is not possible.  Attainment in Literacy and Texting  Wood, Jackson, Hart, Plester, and Wilde (2011) discovered a link between mobile phone text messaging usage and children's performance on spelling and reading tests. Their study found that, while children's use of mobile phones for messaging did not provide a significant benefit or disadvantage in literacy attainment over a two and a half month period, texting had a positive effect on spelling and lexical retrieval (word finding) skills and led to improvements in literacy skills.  The Impact on Social Bonds, Habits, and Behavior  Different children, teenagers, and young people have different perspectives on the importance of texting and its consequences. However, many people believe that they must always be connected to their social networks, and texting is one way to ensure that they do so. Some young people claim to have woken up in the middle of the night to respond to messages. However, sleep loss is insignificant in the case of texters because avid computer gamers and TV viewers miss much more sleep time due to their addictions. Rice (2011) discovered that some students were so busy and overwhelmed by daytime activities that the only appropriate time to socialize was at night through text messaging. The use of mobile technology assists teenagers and young people in strengthening their social connections with family and friends, as well as increasing cohesion within families and peer groups (Ling, 28). Furthermore, texting influences people's participation in social activities by facilitating coordination and increasing accessibility. Texting allows for more flexibility in scheduling and rescheduling social events.  The mobile phone's very nature has changed since it transitioned from a technological gadget to a social tool and became one of the major and most popular electronic communication media. Campbell (25) identified texting's relational and functional benefits in the lives of young people. The majority of high school students, for example, consider texting with their peers to be the most important reason for using a mobile phone. The use of mobile phones has resulted in the emergence of new standards of politeness among young people in terms of how long it should take on average to respond to an SMS. If a response takes more than thirty minutes, it appears that an apology is required. SMS facilitates "fulfilling one's social obligations to stay in touch without spending time or energy on the encounter" for children, adolescents, and young people (Campbell, 25, p. 5).  SMS Texting Has a Negative Impact  The Effects of SMS Texting on Children, Teenagers, and Young People    There are numerous claims that the changes that occur in interpersonal communication best writing service reddit are not always positive. Personal anti-social tendencies, "hiding behind the phone" syndrome, a lack and fear of face-to-face contact, and cyber-bullying are some of the negative issues that mobile phone usage has triggered (Campbell, 25). Because technological progress cannot be reversed, society must deal with the challenges that mobile phone and texting use brings.      The negative effects of mobile phones and SMS texting are numerous and diverse. It enables groups of young people, for example, to gatecrash social events and parties. Some young people seek refuge from emotionally upsetting events, such as broken relationships, by hiding behind their phones and texting. Others exclude their peers who do not own mobile phones. According to Campbell (25), "non-mobile phone owners are particularly vulnerable to social exclusion" (p. 5). Many adolescents who do not have a mobile phone feel excluded from social interactions, while others are pressured by their peers to get one. Another extremely dangerous phenomenon caused by mobile phone use and SMS texting is cyberbullying, which is used to intimidate and inflict emotional pain on others. The majority of cyberbullying victims were bullied through texting (Campbell, 25). Cyberbullying is responsible for psychosomatic symptoms, increased anxiety and depression, and even suicide. Another disadvantage of texting is that it limits young people's ability to interact with others and causes them to resort to texting when they are unable to resolve emotionally difficult or awkward situations. In addition, some parents use texting to be overly intrusive in their child's life or to exert greater control. Furthermore, texting can be disruptive to studies by reducing students' attention in class, and it can also be used to cheat on tests.  While Campbell raises valid concerns about the impact of phones and SMS on the development of underage people, these negative effects do not negate the benefits of SMS texting discussed in other sections of the paper. Furthermore, it appears that the author did not consider monitored and limited youth texting engagement. Furthermore, the negative issues highlighted by Campbell (25) can be classified as "instances" rather than mass trends.  The Issue in the Context of Bronfenbrenner's Theory of Ecological Systems  The ecological systems theory of Urie Bronfenbrenner is used to investigate the role of multiple levels of the environment on a person's development. The ecological framework recognizes both the individual's role and the dynamic and changing context in which the individual functions (Bronfenbrenner, 1994). The theory allows the researcher to assess how the person and various environmental systems influence each other. It considers a person to be developing within a complex system of relationships that are influenced by multiple levels of the surrounding environment (Berk, 2010). According to ecological theory, various environmental systems have a significant impact on an individual's development.  Bronfernbrenner classified systems as follows: microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem. The microsystem includes interactions and activities in a person's immediate surroundings (immediate family, child-care center, school, and neighborhood). Mesosystems are the second level of Bronfenbrenner's model, representing the connections between microsystems. Parental involvement, for example, influences academic achievement, and workplace conditions influence family life. Exosystems are social systems that do not contain a person but affect the environment and experiences of that person. Religious institutions, health care services, social services, the local community, and social networks are all examples of exosystem elements. The macrosystem is the highest level of Bronfernbrenner's model, and it includes cultural values, customs, laws, and resources. The macrosystem's priorities and values influence how well a person functions at the microsystem, mesosystem, and exosystem levels. Workplace benefits for working parents and pension plans are examples of macrosystem components. Finally, the chronosystem represents changes brought about by the external environment or by the individual himself/herself. As a result, a network of interconnected events is formed by both a person's inner dispositions and environmental circumstances. As a result, people are both producers and consumers of their environment (Bronfenbrenner, 1994; Berk, 2010). Because of the comprehensive nature of Bronfernbrenner's theory, a thorough and well-grounded investigation of SMS texting effects on children, adolescents, and young adults is possible.  order right now  SMS's Impact as Seen Through Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Framework    A microsystem is a set of activities, interpersonal relationships, and social roles that a developing individual encounters, particularly in face-to-face situations (Bronfenbrenner, 1994). The studies examined in this paper assessed children, adolescents, and young people's participation in complex interactions within their immediate environments (microsystem). The paper investigated microsystem elements such as peer groups, school, and family.  According to studies, negative issues present on a microsystem level such as personal anti-social tendencies, "hiding behind the phone" syndrome, lack and fear of face-to-face contact, cyber-bullying, social exclusion, feelings of being left out of non-mobile phone owners, parental over-intrusiveness, and disruption of student's attention in class affect a relatively small percentage of children, teenagers, and young adults in comparison to the entire population.  A study conducted by Wood, Jackson, Hart, Plester, and Wilde (2011) discovered that texting improved spelling and lexical retrieval (word finding) skills as well as literacy skills. Yau-Hau Tse (2012) argued that, while texters had a smaller social network, their circle of friends and acquaintances was more long-lasting and consistent. In addition, text messaging allowed a phone owner to stay in touch with friends in situations where talking was not possible. Texting, according to Ling (28), helps teens and young people strengthen their social connections with family and friends and increases cohesion within the family and peer groups, whereas Campbell (25) recognizes texting's relational and functional benefits in young people's lives. SMS also makes it easier for children, adolescents, and young people to fulfill social obligations and communicate with friends and parents. According to cited studies that investigated SMS influence within the context of a microsystem, positive SMS influence is massive and widespread.  As a result, an examination of the effects of SMS texting on children, adolescents, and young people reveals that on a microsystem level (peer groups, school, classroom, and family), such effects are more positive than negative, taking into account the massive nature of positive influences and the fragmented nature of negative ones.     The purpose of this paper was to look into the impact of SMS texting on children, teenagers, and young people in their  immediate environment using Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory of human development essay writing service reviews reddit. Concerns expressed by parents, teachers, and caregivers about their children's texting indicated the need for additional research. Text messaging has a positive effect on social life, psychological, literacy, and mental skills, as well as communication, relationships, and social bonds of children, teenagers, and young people on a microsystem level, according to an examination of available academic sources and empirical studies.     Referencing topics:  

RE: What I Plan to Give and Receive From the World
7/02/22 7:29 en respuesta a Steve Carter.
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