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Resume Writing Tips

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Resume Writing Tips
8/09/21 11:29

Be detailed about the companies you worked for

For an accountant, it’s not enough to specify only the name of the company. Be sure to indicate the industry, size of the company and whether it was public or private. This makes it easier for a recruiter to understand if your history and background fit their needs.

Quantify the accomplishments when you create an online resume

Be more detailed than “saved time” or “reduced DSO”. In facts, phrases of this kind say nothing to the reader. Indicating something like “reduced A/R from $140000 to $122000”, in contrary, clearly, demonstrate resume editing services your professionalism and capabilities. Add figures whenever possible – they’re much more convincing than just words.

Indicate software, rules, and regulations needed for your position

To pass ATS, also specify financial or accounting background needed to perform working duties successfully. Read a job description, if a job ad doesn’t give this information, and add specific knowledge to your resume. Maybe, for you, it’s obvious that an accountant should know Hyperion and QuickBooks, but if your resume doesn’t have it, it may be trashed.

RE: Resume Writing Tips
9/09/21 8:18 en respuesta a Kristina Fair.
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