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21/08/21 15:21
Guys, hello everyone, help me solve my problem, I have been alone for several years. I really want to find a soul mate, but it just doesn't work out. Can you give a couple of tips? Where can I find it?

RE: Acquaintance
25/08/21 15:24 en respuesta a Trasare Var Jolio.
I understand you friend, this is a common problem, also stuck in this. But I hope for the best.

RE: Acquaintance
26/08/21 11:33 en respuesta a Trasare Var Jolio.
I experienced similar emotions at school, they did not pay attention to me, then I started doing myself, went in for sports, tried to put myself a good speech, geeky dating sites, then I started using dating sites to communicate with girls. There I got my practice and my first experience. Now I can easily talk to the girl.